Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

What You Need To Know About Food Borne Illness And Psoriasis!

I just finished reading an article on how prevalent food borne illness has become. According to the Center For Disease Control, contaminated food causes 48 million cases of sickness annually. This staggering number represents approximately 15% of the population of the United States! The CDC goes on to say that while the overwhelming majority of cases are mild and self-limiting, there is still a good amount of severe cases which results in over 100,000 hospital admissions and 3000 deaths per year.

Any ingestion of contaminated food can result in food borne illness. The tainted food can host a wide variety of organisms from bacteria to viruses to parasites. Fortunately, more often than not, the result of eating tainted food is limited to symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Such symptoms are very often self-limiting and only last a day or two with more sever ailments resolving within a week.

So exactly how can a person protect themselves against food borne illness and what does this have to do with psoriasis? The first question is pretty straightforward. All aspects of food handling from grocery shopping to cleaning, to cooking, to storage and finally to disposal, all have certain rules that govern how to properly do all these tasks. While most people seem to take these things for granted, the prudent person will take the time to learn the exact steps necessary to perform each task without incurring any unnecessary risk. You need to know all about the proper cooking temperatures to kill off bacteria in different foods.

You need to know all about the proper refrigeration techniques and how soon cooked food needs to be refrigerated instead of being left out to spoil. You need to know all about the proper cleaning of your cooking utensils and cutting boards and the use of dirty dish rags instead of paper towels which are discarded right away. Even after all of this learning is taken care of, you might still not be protected because according to the CDC, in 2008, 52% of all single source incidents were the result of eating outside the home while only 15% were the result of eating in your own home. In other words, while you may take all the necessary precautions, others, read: restaurant workers, may not!

The second question regarding the relationship to psoriasis is as follows. Certain risk groups are more susceptible to contracting a food borne illness more so than other groups. These higher risk individuals include the elderly population, families with small children, and any group of people with an immune system disorder. All three of these groups have an immune system which is functioning in a capacity that is less than ideal. Their ability to fight off an impending food borne illness attack is less than that of a healthy middle age individual.

Since psoriasis patients have a compromised immune system, they are inherently at risk for contracting a food borne illness versus a normal person when either one is faced with such a challenge. The normal person might just feel uncomfortable while the psoriasis patient might get completely sick. So do not ever let your guard down!

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